“Made in Russia” Forum is a key international platform for discussing the urgent export issues and developing practical solutions, which will facilitate and boost Russian export abroad.
The heads of large corporations, small and medium-sized business, Russian banks, regional export support centres, federal and regional government bodies, field-specific associations and unions, mass media and leading experts will participate in the Forum.
A high-profile event for the professional community, the Forum attracts the attention of the broad public to the issues non-resource export expansion, suggesting to search for the effective roadmaps.
During the panel sessions, plenary meetings, workshops and brainstorming sessions held within the Forum the participants will discuss the progress of the national project “International cooperation and export”. The following issues will be covered by the interested parties: industrial export, international trade logistics, export of agroindustrial goods and services, actions for promoting the international cooperation and export, and the best practices of the Russian regions aimed at the development of international cooperation.
The Forum organized by Russian Export Center JSC is part of the national project “International cooperation and export” approved by the Government Deсree.
More information about the event you can find on the Forum’s official site or on the Russian Export Center’s official site.
Here are the main materials from event published by the Pan Pacific Agency
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Nov 18, 2019. [Аналитика] Удвоение не-нефти: Что Россия продает на мировом рынке сейчас и что хочет продавать | [Analytics] Non-oil exports to be doubled: What Russia is selling now and what it wants to sell
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