India’s govt asks state government to not restrict interstate movement of person or goods

Lockdown in Tamil Nadu (India) has been extended till June 30. (Rep photo: PTI). Sketched by the Pan Pacific Agency.

NEW DELHI, Aug 22, 2020, The Live Lagpur. The Central Government on Saturday has asked all the States to ensure that there are no restrictions on the inter-state and intra-state movement of persons and goods during the on-going unlocking process, The Live Lagpur reported.

Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla in a meeting with all the chief secretaries of all states and Union Territories said that there were reports of restrictions on movement that were being imposed by various districts and states at the local level.

Bhalla said such restrictions are creating problems in inter-state movement of goods and services and are impacting supply chains, resulting in a disruption in economic activity and employment. The unlock guidelines clearly stated that there shall be no restrictions on the inter-state and intra-state movement of persons and goods.

The guidelines had also stated that no separate permission, approval, or e-permit will be required for the movement of persons and goods for cross land border trade under treaties with neighbouring countries.

The letter requested that no restrictions be imposed and it should be ensured that the unlock guidelines are followed.

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