Delhi’s lockdown has been extended but with a slew of relaxations
NEW DELHI, May 18, 2020, India Today. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced new guidelines for Lockdown 4.0, saying that the lockdown has now been extended till May 31, India Today reported.
Holding a press conference, Arvind Kejriwal said, “When coronavirus came to India, we were not prepared. We did not know what will be needed. We used the lockdown period to make arrangements to deal with Covid-19. In the last one-and-a-half months, we have arranged testing kits, hospital beds and ventilators. Now, we need to slowly reopen economy.”
- Delhi Metro will not resume services for now.
- School, colleges and training institutes will not bee allowed to open.
- Shopping malls, gyms, swimming pools, entertainment parks, bars, auditoriums and theatres will remain closed in Delhi.
- All socio-political, entertainment, cultural and religious gatherings remain prohibited.
- Temples and other religious sites will remain closed.
- Salons, barbershops and salons will remain closed.
- Delhi will follow night curfew from 7 pm to 7 am. No movement will be allowed during these hours except for essential services.
- Those in vulnerable categories — below the age of 10 and above the age of 65 as well as pregnant women and those with comorbidities will not be allowed to venture outside.
- No economic activity will be allowed in containment zones.
- Restaurants can open for home-delivery, dining facility not allowed.
- Sports stadiums and complexes can open but without spectators.
- Taxis with 2 passengers, auto-rickshaw and e-rickshaw with 1 passenger each, maxi cabs and RTVs with 5 passengers each to be allowed. Drivers will have to sanitise vehicles after each ride. Cab-aggregator services will not be allowed to run carpool services.
- DTC buses can resume plying with 20 passengers each. Passengers will have to undergo thermal screening before boarding buses. Transport Department will ensure that social distancing norms are followed at all bus-stops and inside the bus.
- Four-wheelers with only two passengers will be allowed. Two-wheelers will be allowed but with no pillion rider.
- Government and private offices can open with 100 per cent attendance. However, private offices are encouraged to ensure work from home as far as possible.
- Markets and shopping complexes can open but shops will be allowed to open on an odd-even basis. Only shops selling essential goods will be allowed to open every day. Standalone shops and those in residential areas will be allowed to open. However, shops need to enforce social distancing strictly. Any shop found violating the norms will be shut down.
- Industrial and construction activities to be allowed in Delhi.
- 50 people to be allowed in marriage functions; 20 people can attend funerals.